Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

Guest Post, Milk Shake Factory

Today is National Chocolate Milkshake day! Enjoy this sweet recipe (pictured above).

Because, quite frankly, it still feels like summer to me: how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker.

It's not something I have ever thought about, but it's true: before there was cooking, there was just food.

A sweet recipe for French "conversation" tarts--and the conversation-starting story behind them.

How to turn your art into greeting cards! 

Add collage to your pen and ink work: a sweet tutorial by me.

Nostalgic snack round-up: how many of these do you remember?

Shoe Bakery. OMG WANT IT ALL.

Fun read: biggest food flops of the boomer generation.

Helpful if you're making pie: apple buying guide.

The history of cornstarch and corn syrup. An interesting read. Pecan pie recipe included.

Strawberry pudding cheesecake cookies. OMG!

An awesome collection of historic NYC restaurant menus.

Biscuits with sugar butter. Yes, it's a good idea.

Book of the week: The Ministry of Thin: How the Pursuit of Perfection Got Out of Control by Emma Woolf. This beautiful book describes our obsession with looks. In addition to touching on creepy plastic surgery and beauty standards, there is also a huge chunk of the book devoted to the obsession with being skinny. Basically, it amounts to this: food and joy are so much better than skinny.