Cuppie's Mini New York Diary

Dear Sweet Readers,

This past weekend, I went to NYC for a visit with some old dear friends, and I brought Cuppie with me.

You'd be absolutely appalled by how few sweets I ate on my trip (it was whirlwind and I was focused on my buddies!), so instead of telling you everything I ate, I thought I'd share, here, some of Cuppie's favorite moments from our trip.

First, I took Cuppie to Washington Square Park. "When Harry Met Sally!" he exclaimed.

Then I took Cuppie to the original Magnolia Bakery. "A bit obvious, don't you think?" Cuppie scoffed, and insisted taking the picture across the street so he didn't look like "the dude who wore the band's t-shirt to the concert." 

"You sound like a food blogger, Cuppie!" I replied.

We ambled on over for a walk on the High Line, but before, we stopped in on our friends Liddabit Sweets.

Then, we headed to Brooklyn. "The G train sucks!" said Cuppie, like a true New Yorker.

I showed Cuppie where I studied Illustration, at Pratt. "It's like going to my own personal Ellis Island!" he said.

We walked by Broken Angel, a special house near Pratt that fell on some hard times.

Then we headed back to Manhattan and finished it all out with a glance at the Empire State Building (pictured top). Lovely!

Well, Cuppie enjoyed his time in NYC and I hope you liked reading about it. Next up: an article about NY Crumb cake!

Love, Cakespy