Where once, on Walnut Street, was the Philly Chocolate Company, now there is Potito's.
The chocolate company has moved, and Potito's has opened a center city outpost of their bakery, which is based in South Philadelphia.
And of course CakeSpy has visited. How could you NOT visit a place that offers a huge cannoli filled with millions of baby-cannoli?
Photo: ThrillistDudes, I know. I know. It's like witnessing the miracle of cannoli birth.
At the bakery, you'll be greeted with a generous display of baked goods, ranging from Italian classics (cookies by the pound, cannoli, lobster tails, etc) to American sweets (cupcakes, pies, etc). Because the bakery prides itself on being Italian-American, I decided to stick with an Italian roster of sweets to sample.
First up, the cannoli. At $3.95 each, I consider them fairly heftily priced, but obviously made with love and care. I've been told that in Chicago, there is a place that sells them for $9.00 per, though, so maybe I shouldn't focus so much on the cost, but rather tell you that the filling was dreamy?
Photo: Potito'sA rainbow cookie was highly satisfactory, a solid version of the Italian bakery staple.
Next up, an Italian ricotta tart. It's that lovely featured at the top of the post. Clearly they know their ricotta filling, which was a very nice texture and flavor. Lightly sweet and nicely complemented by a cocoa topping and strawberry on top. The crust was lightly sweet, making for a pleasant backdrop for the tart.
Potito's Bakery, two locations (Center City and South Philadelphia); online here.