Gay Cupcakes at Cupcake Royale

Gay cupcakes, photo c/o cupcake royale

I *love* gay cupcakes!

Because they're rainbow and delicious. And no matter if you're straight, gay, undecided, you'll fall in love with these sweet morsels. They cross all borders! They're available at Cupcake Royale for a limited time.

As Cupcake Royale puts it,

Cupcake Royale is donating 25% of proceeds from the Gay Cupcakes to Washington United for Marriage.

This year, with all eyes on Washington state, where everyone currently has the freedom to marry the person they love, some want to "roll back the clock" and "take that freedom away". Anticipating the November election, we encourage customers to do what they can to help approve R74.

The Gay cupcake is a delicious vanilla cupcake infused with bright rainbow sprinkles, perfectly swirled with our signature vanilla buttercream frosting, topped with more fabulous rainbow sprinkles and a sugar rainbow.


Get 'em while they last at Cupcake Royale; visit their site for locations and info.
