Fact: The second annual Whoopie Pie Bake-Off at Oddfellows Cafe in Seattle totally ruled.
Don't believe me? Well, tough, because I have photo evidence. Here are just a few snapshots from a very sweet afternoon:
Judge Michael Wells takes his job very seriously.Celebrity judges. Megan Seling of The Stranger and Bake it in a Cake, Michael Wells of the Chamber of Commerce (also, Capitol Hill's premier bon vivant), Jennifer Shea of Trophy Cupcakes, just to name a few--plus, members of The Presidents of the United States of America and more!
There were so many delicious whoopie pies, and so beautifully presented. They were delicately sliced into fourths so that everyone could sample multiple types.
Rainbow whoopie pies, made by staffers at Linda's Tavern. Now, if this isn't my soul in Whoopie Pie form, I don't know what is.
Whoopie pie meets strawberry shortcake: a delectable strawberries and cream specimen.
So many flavor varieties. Here's a sampling of what you might have had on your plate had you been there. Not just chocolate whoopie pies here!
As a judge in the Gluten-free / vegan category of the bake-off, I was entitled to sit at a reserved table, and the judges all got pink champagne. YES!
Also, as a judge, I got a special name tag.
Some of the whoopie pies were even made with beer in the batter! These ones were made with a porter beer, I believe.
Just one example of a creative flavor: Lemon-coconut whoopie pies. NOM.
Pinkies-out: is that sea salt garnishing this whoopie pie?
There were even whoopie pies made with meringues!
Lucky someone: one of the winners won the original artwork I created for the poster! Sweet!
Thanks to the entire staff at Oddfellows (especially Tallulah!) as well as Audrey at Babeland for making this sweet event happen! For more awesome photos and a roundup including winners, visit Capitol Hill Seattle!