Seeking Sweetness: Daily Snapshot, Minefield of Magic Cake at Wilton Workshop

CakeSpy Note: if you follow me on facebook or Twitter, you probably know I'm partial to adding bits of sweetness to my daily surroundings, via sidewalk chalk, small cutouts, and the like--I call it "gentle street art". Here's where I post a daily feel-good photo, for no particular reason other than to showcase these sweet little nothings, in hopes that they'll make you smile.

This is just a sweet preview of my recent trip to the Chicagoland area, wherein I got to tour the Wilton test kitchens and take a day course in buttercream, fondant, and all things Wilton. Together with Kristan and Rachel, we were put to the test as cake decorators; here is our magical creation, using wilton products and techniques. We entitled it “Minefield of Magic”. Of course, it was delightful, but not delicious—the cake base was styrofoam.