Photo c/o Cupcakes Take the CakeGear up your credit cards sweeties, because here's a book you will need to buy: Cake Pops
by Bakerella! Released by the always-fantastic Chronicle Books.
Here's the scoop via Cupcakes Take The Cake:
Rachel and I went to Book Expo today, so we haven't been able to post. While at the Chronicle Books area, I spotted a mock-up of Bakerella's Cake Pops book which will come out September 2010. Congrats to Bakerella and we can't wait to get a copy!
CakeSpy and Bakerella have a very special relationship, having bonded over art and then engaged in a sort of back-to-back sweets combat -- and as a result, I can't wait to be the first on line to buy her book at my favorite book store and--natch--get it signed when she comes to town!