It's hard for me to believe that you didn't know it was my birthday on August 26. Actually, I find it hard to believe that you didn't notice that I basically dedicated August to celebrating my birthday.
You see, CakeSpy (the website) has its birthday on August 1--it was on August 1, 2007 that I made my very first posting.
And then my personal birthday is August 26. So basically, I celebrate myself and what I do all month long.
Can I tell you about how freaking hard the month of August ruled this year?
Well, it started out with me celebrating CakeSpy with a post where I detailed some of my favorite moments from the 9 years that I've owned this site and business. Really, it's worth checking out--you'll get name dropping (Martha! Jay and Silent Bob!) and some delicious recipe inspiration.
Throughout the rest of the month, I celebrated by telling everyone I knew that my birthday was coming. This included my yoga students, cashiers at the grocery store, my postman, and basically any and everyone I came into contact with.
I've always enjoyed my birthday: case in point, me at age 8 or so
My sweetie took me to Charleston as an early birthday present, which was great.
My friend Britney couldn't be around for my birthday, but she gave me a homemade bracelet which says "UNICORN QUEEN" which is now among my Favorite Things on Earth.
But it all culminated on the magical day of August 26. It started with breakfast at Sunny Point Cafe in Asheville, which ended with a birthday cookie.
I should mention: my birthday was on a Friday this year. I teach a yin yoga class with ambient lighting on Friday evenings. Since it was my birthday, I brought cake and champagne.
Not just any cake. I made a cake...
and brought two that my sweetie had commissioned Short Street Cakes to make for me.
And I served the cake (with TINY FORKS TO EAT IT) and champagne DURING my yoga class.
That's right: we held long stretches while eating cake and drinking champagne! OM NOM NAMASTE, indeed!
During the class, everyone went around and said something that they love about me. This just about made me cry.
Afterward, we went out for pizza (because pizza and cake is the best birthday combo!) and I opened presents. And guess what? The restaurant sent out MORE CAKE. This is my "I can't believe there's more cake!" face.
And let's talk about the PRESENTS. I do enough yoga to know that life is not about objects, but man, I CLEANED UP! I got this "handicorn":
and this unicorn tape dispenser:
and this Steve Buscemi (my celebrity crush) t-shirt, a huge donut scarf / throw, and a YOGA PUG TOTE:
and this beautiful unicorn-horn crystal:
and a bunch more awesome (largely, but not all unicorn-related) stuff. I felt so freaking loved.
So, basically, this post is to tell you that my birthday was great. If you'd like to celebrate in this sort of style, I can share a few resources with you:
How to make your birthday as awesome as mine
Come to yoga with me at Violet Owl Wellness if you're in Asheville!
Make the same cake I made using this recipe. To make the unicorn out of sprinkles, I put a cookie cutter on top of the cake and filled it in with rainbow sprinkles - easy!
The ice cream cone toppers I used on my cake were purchased at Duncan & York in Asheville.
I linked to some of the unicorn-related stuff above that you can buy on Amazon; click on the images to go buy.
Read about the tasty treats I ate on my birthday trip to Charleston, here!