Giveaway: Win a Copy of CakeSpy's First Book

UPDATE: WINNER! We have a winner. I chose BONNIE's name at random! Here's what she had to say: 
"My favorite go to cookbook is a 1956 edition of Betty Crocker's Picture Cook Book Revised and Enlarged Second Editon first printing..I love to collect cook books with pictures and old recipes. I picked up this cook book at a yard sale about 10 years back for 2 dollars. Its a 472 page hard back that i dearly love and use all the time and worth every penny ;) "


Recently, I got the news that my brilliant little first book, CakeSpy Presents Sweet Treats for a Sugar-Filled Life, is going out of print. I wasn't really too sad about it. This book had a good little life: published in 2011, it was featured on the Today Show, was held in Jay & Bob's hands, and someone even requested a copy signed to Natalie Portman and family as a film shoot gift. It even made me some royalties. 

To celebrate my brilliant first book, I'd love to give away a copy, right here on the blog. And let me say right away that while I love Canadian and foreign readers, I don't enjoy paying your shipping rates (respectful sorry!) so this giveaway is for US readers only this time. I'll choose a winner one week from today (so, next Thursday, the...23rd?) at 5pm EST.

To enter to win a copy of my brilliant first book, leave a comment on this post answering this important question:

What is your all-time favorite cookbook and why? 

I'm really curious about what volumes you consider your go-to references for cooking and baking! It's totally fine if it's a savory-focused book, too.