February 2: National Heavenly Hash Day

Happy National Heavenly Hash Day. Wait, what the heck is Heavenly Hash? Let's explore.

If you hear the term "heavenly hash" in conversation, it could mean one of four things:

1. They are engaging in behavior that is mostly illegal in the USA.

'nuff said.


Heavenly Hash eggs were developed in 1923.

Heavenly Hash eggs were developed in 1923.

2. A type of candy. 

In its culinary life, Heavenly Hash was first developed as a candy, which features nuts, chocolate, and marshmallows. One of the key products that put the flavor combination in the public eye was the  Easter treat known as the "Heavenly Hash Egg" by the Elmer Candy Corporation, which debuted in 1923 and remains available today. In their version, the candy features almonds, marshmallows, and a chocolate coating.

Homemade Heavenly Hash recipes are readily found on the internet, and range from fudge-like squares to more egg-like formations to yes, even a cake topping.


3. An ice cream flavor

These days, Heavenly Hash is probably better known (but still not super well known) as an ice cream flavor. Why is it not super well known? Probably because it has been superseded by its very similar counterpart, Rocky Road Ice Cream. In this interesting post, a consumer sends an inquiry to several ice cream companies asking what the difference is. Edy's ice cream responds (in so many words) with "not much"; where Rocky Road is chocolate ice cream with mini marshmallows and almonds, Heavenly Hash was comprised of vanilla and chocolate ice cream, and featured mini marshmallows, almonds, and chocolate bits. The response is similar from Ben & Jerry's, who echo the sentiment about the vanilla and chocolate ice cream base, but who also say that they use pecans for Rocky Road ice cream. 

If you like Rocky Road ice cream, you'll probably like Heavenly Hash; if you see it on a menu, order it!

4. A type of jell-o salad.

My guess is that this must have been a back-of-the-box recipe at some point. There is another recipe for Heavenly Hash out there that has absolutely nothing to do with chocolate (though some do feature mini marshmallows or nuts). Recipes range hugely. In some, it's an unholy melange of Jell-O, cooked rice, whipped cream topping, and pineapple, with any number of variations (some have cream cheese; some have nuts; etc). In others, it's a mixture of fruit with a mayonnaise dressing. I would say this type of Heavenly Hash, along with its BFF Ambrosia salad, are better enjoyed as nostalgic novelties than for everyday eating.

Have you ever tried any of these types of Heavenly Hash?