Inspired By Dunkin' Donuts: Homemade Chocolate Kreme-Filled Donuts

I have a deep, dark, secret love of something truly naughty. It's the "kreme" filled donuts served at Dunkin' Donuts. It's a love I have documented, and one that dates back to my elementary school days.


Techically, my favorite is the vanilla kreme. But it's really just by a hair. I love chocolate kreme, too. If they were my children, the difference in love is so little that I wouldn't feel I was lying too much if I said I loved them equally. 

Every now and again, nothing but a good-ol' mass produced donut will do.

But something I simply cannot abide is when I have taken the time and space to indulge in a mass produced donut, and I get one that doesn't have enough kreme filling.

The point of this donut is the kreme! And in recent years, I've noticed an alarming trend: an ongoing reduction in kreme-to-donut ratio. Seriously--the last time I got a vanilla kreme donut, it basically only had a puff of kreme on the exterior of the donut. Nothing inside. To say this made me a sad panda would be a massive understatement.

So I have taken a bold step and begun making my own kreme-filled donuts. They are better than the ones served at Dunkin'; I am not being arrogant in saying this, it is a simple fact. The ingredients I am using are better, and since I can eat them right after they're made, they're fresher. This is actually a variation on the homemade sufganiyot recipe I dreamed up for Colavita recently, and let me tell you, donuts made with olive oil are very, very special. It gives them a taste unlike anything else.


But a superior product is not why I started making kreme-filled donuts at home: it's mainly so I can jam them with as much buttercream filling as I want and desire. 

These chocolate kreme-filled donuts will please your palate if you love the Dunkin' variety like I do, and you can stuff them with as much filling as you like. 

Oh, and you may also enjoy the companion recipe for Vanilla Kreme filled donuts

Chocolate kreme donuts at home

printable version here

  • Makes 18-24 (2.5-inch) donuts
  • Active Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes
  • Total Time: 3 hours, 30 minutes, plus cooling times

For the donuts

  • 2 cups (about 8 1/2 ounces) all purpose flour, plus more for work surface
  • 1 packet active dry yeast
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup (about 1.58 ounces) granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 3/4 cup (6 ounces) whole milk
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • For frying: enough olive oil to fill a deep skillet 2 inches deep

For the filling

2 cups chocolate buttercream (for an authentic Dunkin' experience, use a shortening-based recipe)

To top

Confectioners’ sugar; sprinkles


  • rolling pin
  • a deep skillet, for frying
  • a slotted spoon for removing donuts from the frying oil
  • a pastry bag with a round tip, large enough to pipe your buttercream into the donuts
  • a wire rack
  • paper towels

Time to make the donuts. Place the flour, yeast, and salt in the bowl of a stand mixer. Set aside.

In a medium saucepan, warm the milk, sugar, and olive oil until the mixture reaches about 105°F. Remove from heat and whisk in the eggs.

Add the wet mixture to the dry, and using the paddle attachment, mix on low speed until the dough comes together. Increase the speed to medium-high, and continue mixing until the dough is smooth and pulls away from the sides of the bowl, five to seven minutes. It will still be somewhat sticky.

Form the dough into a ball and place in an oiled bowl. Cover with a towel and let it rise in a warm place for about an hour, or until doubled in size.

Near the end of the rising period, prepare your work area. Dust a work surface with flour, and place the dough on top. Using a floured rolling pin, roll the dough to about 1/4 inch thick. Using a 2- or 3-inch round cutter (or even a floured drinking glass rim, or the top of a wide mouth mason jar), cut out as many circles as you can and place on a lightly floured baking sheet.

Re-roll the scraps and continue cutting out circles until you've used all of the dough. Cover the rounds with plastic wrap and again let them rise, this time for about 30 minutes. They will begin to look slightly puffy.

Place paper towels under a wire rack. Have it near your frying surface. This is where you'll put the donuts to cool off after frying.

It's time to get frying. Heat your oil in a large deep skillet or deep pan until it has reached 350°F.

Transfer the rounds a couple at a time (you don't want them crowded) and fry until browned—about 1 to 2 minutes. Flip, and remember the second side takes less time to fry. Using a slotted spoon, transfer to the wire rack. Continue frying until you've finished them all.

By the time you're done frying, the first of the fried donuts should be cool enough to handle. Using a chopstick or small knife, make a hole and slightly "shimmy" it without enlarging the hole too much, to make more space in the doughnut for the filling.

Load up a piping bag with your buttercream, and pipe a little over a tablespoon-ful into each doughnut. (You can also spoon it in if you prefer, slicing the doughnut in half and spooning the filling inside). Once filled, place the donuts back on the wire rack. Dip the exposed ends of the buttercream in rainbow sprinkles for extra joy.

Dust the finished donuts with confectioners’ sugar, and enjoy.