Sweet cupcake art! Not by me but still awesome! Thanks Mariah for sharing!
Sweet Nostalgia: I enjoyed browsing these retro dessert recipes.
Great moments in the life of the Twinkie. Ah, yes.
A dessert worthy of a happy dance: Cherries Jubilee!
Totally not kidding: Strawberry pretzel salad.
I know it's not Girl Scout Season...but just looking at these Samoas Cupcakes makes me happy.
What a tart: well, these ones taste very good.
Watch an interview with me. I am like, so photogenic.
Bakery I wanna visit: http://lonardosgourmetbakerie.virb.com/
How did I not know this existed? American Pieways.
Like, whoa: Mario and Luigi (you know, of video game fame) Cake Pop Cake!
Whoopie! I enjoyed this entry on the Red Velvet Whoopie pie on the Starbucks blog.